"Account has been disabled" (Uhhh, no)
I have Windows 7 Pro with all updates applied. On Friday I shut my computer down but I had a few programs running so I got the message "Do you want to force 'x' program closed". I decided no so I hit Cancel and just locked my computer until Monday(today). Came in today and unlocked it and everything is fine. Well a few hours ago I decided to reboot the computer and now no one can login to it and the local Administrator account isn't working either. When anyone tries to login it says one of two things "Your account has been disabled" or there is some kind of problem with the computer account. I've tried Windows 7 Repair, Last Known Good, System Restore. Does anyone have any idea on what could of caused this, how to fix it, or further troubleshooting steps I might try? Thanks!! Matt UPDATE 1: I tried connecting to it from another computer via unc and it says the "network logon service was not started". Does anyone know how to get that service started/repaired if no one can login? UPDATE 2: When I started to shutdown my PC on Friday it closed our antivirus software. Since I inturrupted the shutdown and locked the PC instead my computer account was automatically disabled(no antivirus software). I have enabled my computer account and am in the process of rebooting. Hopefully this fixes it. UPDATE 3: Problem was resolved by enabling the computer account and rebooting.
May 17th, 2010 5:03pm

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